Who will bear witness?
September 16, 2021Honoured to be in such illustrious company as a participant in this incredible project, DISEMBODIED TERRITORIES, co-organised by the Department of Sociology at the LSE + the Flanders Architecture Institute.
I will be contributing an essay, Who will bear witness?, relating my experiences as a young female student in Cape Town, conceptually exploring (in)visibility, memory and the need to have witnesses as a way of mapping territory.
Coming soon in September 2021
Excerpt from the organisers´ Concept Note:
< What is the use of a map for an African body? How can we map against our own epistemic displacements while most of the maps we know are devices of that displacement? When can this practice of mapping be of ceremonial use? We have recognized the map in its complicity in the colonization of our land and bodies. It is especially complicit in the division of this world into countries, regions, cities, towns and streets, in orienting us in particular ways towards space. It became the documentation and the realization of what Fanon describes as “world divided into compartments.” (…) >